Motherhood is supposed to be a joyful experience, so why does it sometimes feel so lonely and overwhelming?

No one talks enough about the emotional, mental, and physical transformation that happens when you become a mother. This monumental life transition has a name: matrescence. It’s not just about adjusting to sleepless nights and new routines; it’s about reconfiguring your entire sense of self. You might feel disconnected from who you used to be, missing the independence or spontaneity you once had, and struggling with guilt when you crave more than just motherhood. And all the while, it feels like everyone else has it all figured out. It’s exhausting trying to keep up with the expectations, and deep down, you just want to find a way to feel balanced, whole, and enough.

From the moment you found out you were going to be a mother, everything changed—your body, your identity, your relationships. And while there are moments of joy and deep love, there are also times when it feels like you’ve lost a part of yourself. The constant juggling of responsibilities, the never-ending demands, and the unspoken expectation that you should be able to handle it all without breaking down can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes you wonder if you’re doing it “right,” or if you’ll ever find yourself again outside of being “mom.” The pressure to be the “perfect” mother—to always be patient, loving, and on top of everything—is suffocating, and there’s a guilt that creeps in whenever you feel frustrated or long for a moment to yourself.

Therapy can help you…

  • Find your own identity as a mother, beyond the expectations of others.

  • Let go of the pressure to do it all perfectly.

  • Manage the overwhelm and create a sense of balance.

  • Reconnect with who you are outside of the role of “mom.”

  • Embrace the complexity of motherhood without guilt or shame.

  • Navigate the emotional highs and lows with more self-compassion.

  • Set boundaries and make space for your own needs.

  • Trust yourself and your instincts, even when things feel out of control.

How do we get there?

Therapy for motherhood and matrescence isn’t just about coping skills—it’s about redefining what it means to be you in this season of life. Together, we’ll explore how this role has impacted your sense of self and the pressures you feel to be everything to everyone. You’ll have a space to process the grief, joy, guilt, and frustration that come with motherhood, while also gaining tools to manage stress, set boundaries, and build confidence in your decisions.

We’ll look at how your relationships, identity, and expectations have been shaped by your own upbringing, cultural narratives, and personal values. You’ll learn to release the myths of the “perfect mother” and embrace a version of motherhood that allows for rest, imperfection, and grace. Our work will help you reclaim your voice and your needs without sacrificing the care and love you bring to your family.

Because being a mother isn’t just about taking care of everyone else—it’s about nurturing yourself, too.